Internet Error codes
I Think many of you faced errors while using internet .but Don’t Know What does that Error Means?So ,You Are at a Right Place.After a Long Research i Got the meanings of Error’s While Using Internet .
I hope This Post Will Help You
Here Are Some Error Codes:
100: Continue.
101: Switching Protocols.
200: OK Action completed successfully.
201: Created Success following a POST command.
202: Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
203: Partial Information Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned meta information is from a private overlaid web.
204: No Content Server has received the request but there is no information to send back.
205: Reset Content.
206: Partial Content The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page.
300: Multiple Choices.
301: Moved Permanently Requested a directory instead of a specific file. The web server added the filename index.html, index.htm, home.html, or home.htm to the URL.
302: Moved Temporarily.
303: See Other.
304: Not Modified The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent.
305: Use Proxy.
400: Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to be satisified.
401: Unauthorized User failed to provide a valid user name / password required for access to
file / directory.
402: Payment Required.
403: Forbidden The request does not specify the file name. Or the directory or the file does not have the permission that allows the pages to be viewed from the web.
404: Not Found The requested file was not found.
405: Method Not Allowed.
406: Not Acceptable.
407: Proxy Authentication Required.
408: Request Time-Out.
409: Conflict.
410: Gone.
411: Length Required.
412: Precondition Failed.
413: Request Entity Too Large.
414: Request-URL Too Large.
415: Unsupported Media Type.
500: Server Error In most cases, this error is a result of a problem with the code or program you are calling rather than with the web server itself.
501: Not Implemented The server does not support the facility required.
502: Bad Gateway.
503: Out of Resources The server cannot process the request due to a system overload. This should be a temporary condition.
504: Gateway Time-Out The service did not respond within the time frame that the gateway was willing to wait.
505: HTTP Version not supported.
If there any mistake/or missed some Errors .
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