Make your computer talk what you type

Today I am with one more trick using Notepad in which computer will speak whatever you will type into the text box! We will create a simple visual basic script (.vbs) without using any other softwares or applications, just by using Notepad!

Make your computer talk what you type
Make your computer talk what you type_FunWidTricks.Com

Steps you have to perform 1. Open "Notepad".
2. Copy and paste below code into it.

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("Hey, Hows you?","jasthilokesh ")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

3. Save the file as "anyname.vbs". Here .vbs extension is necessary. Select "Save as type" as "All types". Hit Ok.
4. You should get the file as shown below.

Make your computer talk what you type_FunWidTricks.Com
5. Double click over it. Type any pronounceable text into text box and hit OK. System will pronounce the words you entered over there!

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